Giardien beim Hund - Kann sich mein Hund durch Pfützenwasser anstecken? - AniForte

Giardia in dogs - Can my dog get infected from puddle water?

Many dogs like to drink from puddles or other standing water, which is usually harmless. However, it can also lead to infection with Giardia. T
Wenn Hunde lahmen – Ursachen und Symptome für Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparats - AniForte

When dogs are lame - causes and symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders

If your dog starts to go lame, this can have very different causes. Regardless of the trigger, the symptoms are usually painful for your four-legged friend.
Eichenprozessionsspinner - wenn eine Schmetterlingsraupe gefährlich für Hunde wird - AniForte

Oak processionary moth - when a butterfly caterpillar becomes dangerous for dogs

Dangerous butterfly caterpillar - veterinary practitioner Angelica reveals how to recognize the oak processionary moth and what to do if it comes into contact with your skin.
Wenn der Hund zu schnell frisst - Tipps für besorgte Hundehalter - AniForte

If your dog eats too quickly - tips for worried dog owners

As soon as the food is in the bowl, your dog gobbles it down greedily. Many dog owners are familiar with this situation and are justifiably worried about their four-legged friends, as fast eating i...
Futterdeklaration – Wenn Fleisch nicht gleich Fleisch ist - AniForte

Feed declaration - When meat is not just meat

The way to a dog and cat owner's heart is through their stomach. But even those who only want the best for their pets reach their limits in the jungle of food declarations.
Magendrehung beim Hund – wenn ein Albtraum wahr wird - AniForte

Gastric torsion in dogs - when a nightmare comes true

Unfortunately, stomach torsions are a common occurrence in dogs. This disease is dramatic for your four-legged friend because a few minutes can make the difference between life and death.
Hirschlausfliege – Ein unbekannter Parasit aus dem Wald - AniForte

Deer louse fly - An unknown parasite from the forest

Horses and dogs often suffer from ticks, grass mites, horse flies and other pests during the beautiful summer months. Another parasite, on the other hand, is much less well known: the deer louse fl...
Grannen bei Hunden - So kannst Du helfen! - AniForte

Burrs in dogs - How you can help!

Awns like to cling to dogs and owners when walking through cornfields. Unfortunately, the small plant parts are not as harmless as they look and can cause inflammation in your four-legged friend.
Mit Hund auf Reisen - Was in keiner Reiseapotheke fehlen darf - AniForte

Traveling with a dog - What no first-aid kit should be without

Summertime is vacation time again this year! And this time we've really earned it. Of course, our four-legged friends are not to be missed.