Entwurmung Hund - Die häufigsten Darmparasiten - AniForte

Deworming dogs - The most common intestinal parasites

As cute as our four-legged friends are, they can also pose a health risk to us humans and other animals. An important health issue for pets is deworming.
Ektoparasiten bei Hunden und Katzen – Flöhe, Zecken, Milben und Co. - AniForte

Ectoparasites in dogs and cats - fleas, ticks, mites and co.

Parasites in pets are not a popular topic, but a very present one. Especially in spring, the first pests crawl out of their hiding places and look for the next host to feed, reproduce or simply ann...
Gesunde Gartenkräuter und -pflanzen für Hunde, Katzen und Co. - AniForte

Healthy garden herbs and plants for dogs, cats and co.

So that your garden or your patio don't remain desolate in spring, today we present popular balcony and garden plants that are completely non-toxic and healthy for you and your pet.
Giftige Pflanzen für Hunde und Katzen im Garten - AniForte

Poisonous plants for dogs and cats in the garden

If you want to make your garden pet-proof, make sure you avoid poisonous plants for dogs and cats. We have put together a list of popular garden plants that are unfortunately poisonous for your fou...
Hund beschäftigen – Tipps und Tricks - AniForte

Keeping your dog busy - tips and tricks

We have put together some tips and tricks for you that will not only bring fun and variety to your four-legged friend's everyday life, but also to yours.
Morosche Karottensuppe gegen Darmprobleme - AniForte

Moroccan carrot soup for intestinal problems

Almost every dog owner knows the situation: The dog has eaten something wrong and possibly caught an infection.
Hunde im Wasser - Badespaß ohne böses Ende - AniForte

Dogs in the water - bathing fun without a bad end

The cool water magically attracts four-legged friends in the warmer months. Read here about the risks you should be aware of when taking your dog swimming.
Staupe - Wie Dein Hund der Virusinfektion entkommt - AniForte

Distemper - How your dog can escape the viral infection

Distemper used to be one of the most fatal viral infections in dogs. Although the chances of successful treatment are higher today, you should still be aware of the dangers of the virus for your dog.
Zeckenmittel - Wie Du Deinen Vierbeiner schützen kannst - AniForte

Tick repellent - How you can protect your four-legged friend

Ticks are now lurking everywhere again. As soon as spring arrives, they are sitting on bushes, in the undergrowth or in high meadows, just waiting for a suitable host to come along.