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Z - Season Snack - AniForte
Z - Season Snack - AniForte
Z - Season Snack - AniForte
Z - Season Snack - AniForte
Z - Season Snack - AniForte
Z - Season Snack - AniForte

Z-Season Snack

100 % natural functional snack

+280 Punkte

Without cereals or carbohydrates

Extra high proportion of juicy chicken meat

Also suitable for puppies & seniors

With proven ingredients such as black cumin seeds, coconut & rockrose

Enthält ca. 160 Stück

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Contents: 350 g

30-Tage Rückgaberecht

AniForte® Z-Season Snack

Supplementary food for dogs

There is hardly a better feeling than spending time with your faithful four-legged friend in the great outdoors and enjoying summer and sunshine together. AniForte® Z -Season Snacks are the ideal companion for your outings and should not be missed! They are made from only the best, 100 % natural ingredients, fit in any pocket thanks to their boilie shape and do not crumble.

  • 100 % natural functional snacks with extra fine chicken meat as monoprotein
  • With proven ingredients such as black cumin oil, coconut and rockrose herb
  • Without grain or carbohydrates
  • Also suitable for puppies and seniors

AniForte® Z Season Snacks are a tasty and highly digestible reward with a particularly hearty taste thanks to the extra high proportion of tender chicken meat. The juicy chunks of meat are combined with high-quality black cumin oil, rockrose herb and coconut oil - completely grain-free. Thanks to its soft consistency, it is also ideal for puppies and senior dogs.

Our standards are high. The finely balanced recipe of AniForte® Z-Season Snacks is unique, made without the addition of artificial additives and in accordance with the highest quality standards.

Monoprotein, high meat content - without grains and carbohydrates

A meaty treat for the palate: our snack contains only one high-quality protein source with a chicken flavor and an exceptionally high meat content of 85 %.

For even better digestibility: We have deliberately left out grains and carbohydrates so that dogs with allergies, intolerances and sensitive stomachs can also enjoy them.

Of course, our AniForte® Z-Season Snacks are also free from added sugar, artificial flavors, colors or preservatives and without synthetic vitamins.

Unique recipe adapted to the season - black cumin, cistus and coconut

For AniForte® Z-Season Snacks we use selected and proven raw materials, such as the gray-haired rockrose (Cistus incanus). It is also known as Cretan rockrose, as it is found mainly on the Greek island. At first glance, it appears delicate, but it should not be underestimated, as it is a hardy plant that can survive for a long time on stony and barren soils, even in dry times. Due to its tannins, essential oils, flavonoids and polyphenols, rockrose was already being used in ancient times for its well-known benefits.

The aromatic black cumin seeds (Nigella sative) originally come from West Asia, Iraq and Turkey and have a long history as a medicinal plant. Over 2000 years ago, people in the Orient were apparently already aware of its effectiveness as a medicinal plant and referred to it simply as the 'blessed seed'. The use of black cumin oil in particular, which is made from the valuable seeds, has increased in popularity in recent years. It is valued above all for its natural content of polyunsaturated omega fatty acids (linoleic acid, gamma-linolenic acid, eicosadienoic acid). These essential fatty acids can have a positive influence on your pet's skin metabolism and organism.

Coconut oil has become very popular among dog owners. It contains a range of minerals, amino acids and vitamins and is also known for its lauric acid content, which is said to have a positive effect on coat and skin quality. Overall, coconut oil has many positive properties and is also very popular with dogs.

Functional snack with a particularly tender and soft consistency

AniForte® Z-Season Snacks are produced gently so that all the ingredients are retained. Thanks to their soft texture, they are particularly easy to handle, fit in any jacket pocket, do not crumble or fall apart and are easy for small dogs to share by hand. The soft and tender consistency also makes them a perfect treat for puppies and older dogs. The treats can be given as a reward or during training.

Zecken vertragen allgemein keine ätherischen Öle wie Teebaumöl, Schwarzkümmelöl und Kokosöl. Die in Kokos enthaltene Laurinsäure schreckt Zecken ab, Caprylsäure und Caprinsäure gelten allgemein als Wunderwaffe gegen Insekten und Parasiten.

Aus den Erfahrungen von Herrschen haben sich Spot-on-Präparate und Zeckenschutz-Kapseln mit Inhaltstoffen aus Schwarzkümmel, Kokos und Zitronenöl sowie Bierhefe bei Hunden bewährt.

Laut Experten raten auch wir, schon sehr zeitig im Frühling mit dem Zeckenschutz bei Hund und Katze zu beginnen.

Ein Bestandteil vom Z-Season Snack ist Schwarzkümmelöl, das von der Katze nicht verstoffwechselt werden kann und bei längerer Verabreichung leider zu Vergiftungen führen kann.

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