+60 Punkte
Lachsöl für vitale Haut und glänzendes Fell. Unterstützt Knochen und Gelenkfunktion
Lachsöl neu in bewährter und beliebter  Rezeptur- AniForte
Rein natürliches Lachsöl aus nachhaltiger Fischzucht
Gesundheitsförderndes Fischöl sorgt für vitale Haut & glänzendes Fell,  trägt zur Knochengesundheit bei, erhält Immunsystem & Stoffwechsel sowie Unterstützt das Herz-Kreislaufsystem
Lachsöl - AniForte
100% reines, hochwertges Lachsöl aus Norwegen, frei von Verunreinigungen und Konservierungsstoffe
Lachsöl in PET-Flaschen für weniger Gewicht und Emission beim Transport, vollständig Recyclefähig, robust und Umweltfreundlicher in der Produktion
Lachsöl Fütterungsempfehlung für Hunde, Katzen und Pferde jeden Alters zum Einmischen in das Futter
Lachsöl als Ergänzung für natürlich mehr Vitalität & Wohlbefinden im Hunde-, Katze- und Pferdeleben
Lachsöl - AniForte
Lachsöl - AniForte
Lachsöl - AniForte
Lachsöl - AniForte
Lachsöl - AniForte
Lachsöl - AniForte

Salmon oil

High-quality fish oil for vital skin and beautiful fur

+60 Punkte

Vital skin & beautiful fur

Has a positive effect on bones and joints

Supports the natural cardiovascular system

100% natural & without additives

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Contents: 100ml

30-Tage Rückgaberecht

Salmon oil for dogs, cats & horses

Supports skin - For shiny and thick fur

AniForte® salmon oil for dogs, cats and horses is a purely natural addition to your animal's daily diet. You can easily add the oil during normal feeding or when barfing. The essential fatty acids contained in salmon oil help ensure that dogs, cats and horses are optimally supported with their skin and coat health.

Positive qualities are:

  • Supportive for dry, itchy and sensitive skin
  • Ideal addition to BARFING
  • Without preservatives and artificial flavors
  • True all-rounder for heart, bones and coat health

Our salmon oil is the comparison winner! Here are the results:

Comparison winner salmon oil AniForte

This is supported with our salmon oil for dogs, cats and horses:

  • For healthy, vital skin and coat , especially when changing fur
  • Omega 3 ensures a shiny coat in dogs and cats and supports your animal's natural cardiovascular system
  • We offer you quality from Norway: 100% pure, natural salmon oil

This makes our salmon oil for dogs, cats and horses a true all-rounder that supports the cardiovascular system, bones and joints, as well as the skin and shiny coat. Furthermore, the omega-3 fatty acids from salmon oil can support the functionality of the liver and kidneys . They are beneficial for neurological development and have an anti-inflammatory effect. With our salmon oil for dogs, cats and horses, you can ensure that your pet has the fatty acids it needs.

Salmon oil for dogs – supply with essential fatty acids

The valuable omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are abundantly contained in our purely natural salmon oil for dogs. Your pet cannot produce these in sufficient quantities themselves, as they can only be produced to a limited extent from α-linolenic acid (ALA). These polyunsaturated, essential fatty acids should therefore be supplied in sufficient quantities through feeding with our salmon oil for dogs.

Coat care is a big issue, especially for long-haired dog breeds. Salmon oil can also help make grooming easier by making fur less greasy and stringy.

In combination with BARF, salmon oil is particularly interesting for dogs, as the health-promoting feed is also an ideal BARF supplement .

Salmon oil for cats – the oil tastes particularly good here

Cats in particular love the fishy taste of the oil. Cats cannot produce the valuable omega-3 fatty acids themselves, similar to dogs. It is therefore advisable to feed them with salmon oil for cats. Because they are involved in numerous processes in the body and should therefore be available in sufficient quantities.

Fish oil naturally contributes to a normal cardiovascular system, supports bones and joints and has a positive effect on skin and coat.

Attention: Salmon oil for cats has a blood-thinning effect. For outdoor cats, make sure you dose the oil sparingly. Outdoor cats are generally at a higher risk of injury than indoor cats. If you overdose on fish oil, wounds may heal more slowly. It is generally recommended to support wound healing with silver water spray, for example. If necessary, you can also agree on the individual dosage for your cat in consultation with the veterinarian.

Salmon oil for horses – high-quality omega-3 fatty acids with good digestibility

Horses also depend on the valuable omega-3 fatty acids and like the taste of fish oil. A balanced diet and a good supply of nutrients are essential, especially for sport horses.

Not only do they tolerate salmon oil for horses well, but they also benefit from the fact that the omega-3 fatty acids balance out an otherwise grain-heavy diet. In contrast to vegetable oils, fish oils, such as our salmon oil for horses, can be digested particularly well . Nevertheless, horses should be slowly accustomed to supplemental feeding with the oil.

Studies show positive effects of Omega-3

Numerous scientific research has already proven the positive effects of omega-3 fatty acids. Studies have shown that highly concentrated EPA can support the regulation of metabolism and the immune system and maintain your animal's general well-being . A sufficient supply of omega-3 fatty acids from our salmon oil for dogs, cats and horses provides the skin with the necessary long-chain fatty acids and the health of the skin and coat can be strengthened.

Natural origin of our salmon oil for dogs, cats and horses

So that your animals can enjoy the benefits of fish oil, we paid close attention to the quality of the raw materials when selecting the oil. Because only a high-quality oil brings the desired benefits. That's why you won't find any preservatives or flavors in our pure salmon oil for dogs, cats and horses. Instead, we offer you high quality from Norway and regular purity checks. In addition, only sustainable fish farming is carried out for our fish oil.

Our AniForte® salmon oil impresses with the highest quality standards and contributes to the health of your animals - premium quality fish oil: Because your animal deserves only the best!

Darauf kannst du eine Pfote lassen!

Ideally, salmon oil should be administered daily. For dogs, the recommended dose is 1 teaspoon per 10 kg of body weight. For cats ¼ teaspoon and for horses/ponies 2 teaspoons per 100 kg body weight. In order to increase acceptance by the animals, it is ideally administered through food.

Salmon oil is generally very well tolerated by pets. Sensitive animals may initially experience flatulence, abdominal pain or mild diarrhea. Bleeding is very rare with the correct dosage. If side effects occur, we recommend reducing the dose and consulting your veterinarian.

Salmon oil contains vital and essential fatty acids such as Omega 3 & 6, which can help maintain the health of coat and skin. Studies have shown that Omega-3 has a positive effect on cell metabolism and can support the dog's immune system. They also play an important role in brain and cardiovascular health.

The first positive effects of salmon oil are often noticeable after just 2-4 weeks. The coat feels shinier and softer and skin problems may improve. Important! If taken regularly, the full effect of salmon oil can only develop after 2-3 months.