+150 Punkte
Ulmenrinde Pulver harmonisiert die Magen-& Darmtätigkeit - AniForte
Ulmenrinde Pulver - AniForte
Ulmenrinde Pulver aus schonend gemahlener, 100% amerikanischer Rotulmenrinde - AniForte
Ulmenrinde Pulver 100% Natur für Magen & Darm, harmonisiert die Magen-& Darmtätigkeit, Unterstützt Schleimhäute & Verdauungsfunktion zum Schutz für die innere Magen-& Darmwand bei Hunden und Katzen
Ulmenrinde Pulver Zubereitung:
1. 4g Pulver mit 250 ml Wasser im Topf verrühren, 2. Ca. 2 min aufkochen lassen, dabei umrühren, 3. Vom Herd nehmen und wieder umrühren bis das Pulver aufgelöst ist, 4. Den Sirup abkühlen lassen und in eine Spritze füllen
Ulmenrinde Pulver Fütterungsempfehlung für Hunde bis 10 kg: 2x täglich 5 ml, Ab 10 kg: 2x täglich 10 ml, Bei Katzen 2x täglich 5 ml
30 Minuten vor der Fütterung geben und dabei nicht ins Futter mischen
Ulmenrinde Pulver für die natürliche Unterstützung der Verdauungsfunktion - AniForte
Ulmenrinde Pulver unterstützt Magen-& Darmschleimhaut, schonend getrocknet & gemahlen, hilft bei verschluckten Haarbällen
Ulmenrinde Pulver - AniForte

Elm bark powder

To help with vomiting and diarrhea

+150 Punkte

Contributes to the harmonization of stomach & intestinal activity

100 % American red elm bark

Gently dried & ground

Sale price15,99 €
159,90 € /kg  )

Inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage

Contents:100 g
Notify Me When Available

30-Tage Rückgaberecht

Elm bark for dogs & cats

Supports the digestive function

AniForte® Elm bark powder can help to harmonize your pet's natural stomach and intestinal function and support the mucous membranes of the inner stomach and intestinal wall.

  • Contributes to the harmonization of stomach and intestinal activity
  • Supports the gastrointestinal mucous membranes and digestive functions
  • 100% American red elm bark - gently dried and ground

The product consists of long-chain sugar molecules, also known as polysaccharides, which form a slimy mass on contact with water. This forms a layer on the inner stomach and intestinal wall and can thus support your pet's gastrointestinal tract in a natural way. Elm bark helps cats and dogs to recover, especially after exceptional stresses such as diarrhea and vomiting.

Our AniForte® elm bark powder in the test:

Slippery elm bark for dogs - natural support for the gastrointestinal tract

In a study, a large number of dogs were treated with syrup made from elm bark. A significant improvement after diarrhea and vomiting was achieved after just a few days of use. Elm bark has been shown to harmonize gastric and intestinal activity in dogs.

Elm bark cat - Helps with the digestion of hairballs

Another study has shown that slippery elm bark can support the formation of mucus in the gastrointestinal tract in cats - this means that swallowed hairballs in cats cannot become matted and pass through the intestines more easily. If swallowed hair is still not excreted immediately, elm bark has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties on the mucous membranes in cats.

For thousands of years, the inside of elm bark has been used by indigenous peoples in various ways - for example to support the gastrointestinal tract.

Our AniForte® elm bark powder consists of 100 % American red elm bark, which is gently dried and ground. This gives you a pure natural product that is perfectly tailored to your pet's needs thanks to our high quality standards. The elm bark is very popular with dogs and cats.

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