Have you noticed bad breath in your cat and now you don't know what to do? We at AniForte® know how to get rid of your cat's bad breath naturally. We give you possible causes of and tips against your cat's bad breath. In most cases, there are only harmless causes behind this problem, but bad breath, together with other symptoms, can indicate illnesses for which a visit to the vet is essential.
In this article, we explain when you should have your cat's bad breath examined by a vet, which household remedies could help with bad breath and how you can remedy the situation with the right dental care products and healthy food from AniForte®. We also explain what preventative measures there are against bad breath in cats.
How does bad breath develop in cats?
Bad breath in cats can have different origins, which can vary depending on the type of cat and its eating and living habits. It is therefore not possible to name a universal cause for bad breath in cats. In most cases, however, there is no need to worry.
One of the most common causes of bad breath in cats is leftover food between the teeth. This unpleasant odor often disappears with water and proper hygiene of your cat's mouth and teeth. However, you should continue to monitor your furry friend as other symptoms may occur. These could indicate more serious causes. This will also allow you to visit your trusted vet in good time so that more serious illnesses can be diagnosed and treated as quickly as possible.
Bad breath in cats - harmless causes
Not only leftover food in the mouth area can be the cause of bad breath in cats. The following harmless triggers can also cause bad breath in pets:
- Stinky food such as food containing fish
- Low quality food, which should be changed immediately
- Questionable ingestion of feces or e.g. carrion (check with a vet)
- Problems with tartar, which often occur due to age (check with a vet)
- Changing teeth in kittens
Bad breath in cats - when should the vet be consulted?
If you notice bad breath in your cat, you don't need to worry at first. However, if your pet develops further symptoms, behaves unusually or has severe tooth discoloration, you should see a vet as soon as possible. As always, it's better to take your pet to the vet once too often than once too little.
Diseases that could cause bad breath in cats:
- Inflammation of the mouth, throat or gums
- Tartar, loose or broken teeth and FORL
- Disease of the stomach, liver or kidneys
- Tumor in the mouth or throat area
- Diabetes is also possible with accompanying symptoms such as increased water intake and a lot of urine output
What helps against bad breath in cats
If you have investigated the cause of your cat's bad breath and now know how it needs to be treated, you can help your cat heal with natural remedies in addition to the prescribed therapy.
We have put together a few tips for you on the correct dental care and feeding with AniForte® products. So you can cuddle with your cat again in the future without any worrying odors from the mouth.
AniForte® cat food - natural & healthy
Another trigger for bad breath in cats, in addition to food leftovers between the teeth, is poor quality cat food or high sugar content. However, this trigger can very quickly become the cause of serious illnesses such as obesity, metabolic problems or gastrointestinal problems in your cat. Pet food generally affects the entire organism and the health of your four-legged friend.
A natural diet is therefore essential to prevent your cat's bad breath or more serious illnesses. This food should also be tailored precisely to your cat's needs. Our natural rubber care ball for teeth can also provide a playful remedy for dental problems.
AniForte® cat food is free from chemicals, animal waste, cereals and added sugar. Your cat's health is important to us, which is why we use ingredients made from natural meat and high-quality fruit and vegetables in the composition of our food, so that your cat gets exactly what it needs. The food has also been specially developed by vets, which means that the high-quality dry and wet food prevents bad breath in cats or prevents it from developing.
Bad breath in cats - AniForte® dental care helps
You can also prevent your cat's bad breath through proper hygiene of the teeth and mouth area and, in some cases, eliminate it completely. As cats get older, they often develop tartar, which can be prevented through optimal dental hygiene. Tartar can be removed by a veterinarian, but your cat will have to undergo general anesthesia. Advanced tartar can cause severe inflammation. These teeth then usually have to be removed completely.
So if you want to avoid bad breath in your cat and dental cleanings, you should pay attention to routine hygiene of your cat's teeth right from the start.
At AniForte® we have natural and high-quality products for your cat's dental care.
Optimal dental hygiene prevents or combats your cat's bad breath and prevents tartar and inflammation in the mouth.
Our dental care powder can be easily mixed into your pet's food to clean their teeth without any problems.
Bad breath in cats - home remedies
If you make sure your cat eats a healthy, sugar-free and natural diet, you will soon be able to remedy its unpleasant bad breath. However, we would also like to give you some tips that are quick and easy to implement if your cat has eaten strong-smelling fish and has a lot of food residue between its teeth.
The following home remedies can be used against bad breath in cats:
- Encourage water intake, e.g. through drinking fountains
- Cat grass
- Catnip sticks
- Switch to dry food
As clean animals, cats often take care of their own grooming and hygiene. By cleaning and licking their fur, cats usually get their bad breath under control themselves. If you are unsure whether your cat will tolerate some home remedies well, don't be afraid to talk to your vet. They will certainly be able to give you detailed advice on your cat's bad breath.
Bad breath in cats - you should avoid this at all costs!
We have already explained how you can eliminate or prevent your cat's bad breath with the right food and optimal dental care from our cat supplies.
However, these methods are of course only effective in healthy cats whose bad breath is not caused by a serious illness. If the methods presented do not work for your cat or you have concerns, it is best to contact your cat's vet directly. For example, diabetes, gastrointestinal problems or eczema in the mouth area can be treated immediately with appropriate medication.
As always, never diagnose your pet yourself. Whether homeopathic remedies or not - do not give your pet anything that has not been approved by the vet. If your cat goes outside, you should make sure to observe it as closely as possible and see if it ingests feces, for example. This can also quickly lead to foreign bodies being ingested, worms or parasites being transmitted and your cat's bad breath developing.
Do you have any questions about bad breath in cats? Then please get in touch with us.